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Balancing Work & Life

Writer's picture: Brianna WallBrianna Wall

Three ways to improve productivity by being less productive

June 20 is World Productivity Day, and it made me think of how important it is to remember that productivity isn't just about getting things done. It's also about finding a balance between work and life, and making time for the things that matter most.

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of work and forget about the importance of spending quality time with our loved ones. But the truth is, making time for family and our true passions is crucial for our overall well-being and productivity. Research has shown that spending time with family can reduce stress levels, improve mental health, and increase happiness. It’s when we take a break from being productive and spend time with those who matter that we recharge our batteries and can be more productive at work while feeling refreshed and energized.

Making time for the people and activities that truly motivate us doesn't have to mean sacrificing productivity. In fact, it can actually enhance it. When we take inventory of our passions and prioritize them, we want to work more efficiently and effectively, knowing that we have something to look forward to at the end of the day.

So, how can we make time for those people and activities amidst our busy schedules and constant connectivity? Here are a few ways I accomplish that regularly:

1. Schedule family time

Just like I schedule work meetings and appointments, I also schedule time with my family, especially in my busier seasons. We try to make dinnertime a priority most nights because this is when we’re disconnected from our phones and TVs, and we can just focus on our conversations and each other. I also schedule monthly date afternoons with my husband and family fun nights, where my son picks our dinner spot and activity. These are intentional times of being together that refuel me and satisfy my love language of Quality Time.

2. Disconnect from work

This is something I have to continually work on. It’s so important to disconnect from work and be present in each moment. While my work doesn’t always adhere to the time limitations I set on it, I try my best to keep it in its place. This is sometimes difficult to do because I love my job and the people I work with. Putting away my phone and focusing on enjoying the time I’m spending away from work is equally as important when it comes to recharging.

3. Use vacation time!

Our workplaces offer vacation time or PTO for a reason — take it! It may be difficult to disconnect from work each day, but when you are on vacation, it is expected that you will be fully checked out from work. I intentionally set auto responses for my email, reschedule or cancel meetings, complete tasks – all in an effort to detach myself from work. I am a huge advocate for embracing time away from the office and all the projects and tasks that come with it. I know that when my son is grown, he won’t remember the time I spent working in the evenings, but he will remember the time I spent with him, creating memories that will last forever. I can’t do that if I’m always working.

Making time for your people and passions is vital not only to your personal well-being, but for your productivity. Finding a balance between work and life is one of the best things we can do for ourselves and our families, so let's celebrate World Productivity Day by making a commitment to finding our balance and creating time for what matters most to us.


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